Forrest and Arianna Leavitt

Monday, November 21, 2011

Where did the last two months go???

I cannot believe that it is already almost Thanksgiving! I love this time of year- the weather, hanging with family and school breaks!!! :) We are doing well, I have a lot to update on and you probably don't care about these old pictures but I am going to update anyway...these first ones are from the beginning of October-conference weekend to be exact. Calli and Richard invited us over for breakfast and it was yummy!
I did some canning...peaches and green chilies!!! yummy!
We threw Andi a birthday party...she turned THIRTEEN!!! She had her friends over and we went to a store called bath junkie where the girls got to make their own bath salts, lotions, and sprays. It was super fun and they loved it!This is her with some of the girls and her favorite gift that she got, her Justin Bieber perfume. It was so funny watching her open it- she was sooooo excited.
We threw Sharon a surprise birthday party this year and that was fun too! She had noooo idea! Here is Andi keeping watch for Sharon to come home...

                                         The cute purse that us kids got Sharon...she loved it!
 We stayed at the Leavitt's and watched their house while they were in Illinois. The Gurrs came over and Calli made us a yummy dinner!

                                                            Little Richard loved it..
                                                     Who am I kidding? We all loved it!

We also moved to a new apartment and we love it! It is in a nice neighborhood and the ward seems really great. This was the contraption that Calli and Heather came up with to make moving easier. I am not really sure how effective it was, but it was funny!!!

 Little Richard had thrown up earlier in the day, that's why he doesn't have a shirt on..
 We watched Lindsey, Hunter and Hyrum last week and we took them on a bike ride...They had a blast and we did too. It was fun and totally cute watching them ride and follow uncle fofo...

                                                      And cute little Hyrum loved it too!
  We went to the ASU vs. Uof A game on Saturday and had fun, even though they lost and it was a terrible game, I was disappointed in my devils...

Well hope you liked the update and pictures...Enjoy Thanksgiving and I will update about ours next week!!! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wow...very very interesting...

So I have a lot to update on but I don't have the time right now but I did want to share this with you...I watched a video that was on someone's blog about voting for a Mormon president since two of them are running in this upcoming really makes you realize how much people don't know about our religion and how much we still have to do to teach them what we really believe...take a look at it if you are interested...

hope your day is great! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Look!


Well as you can tell, I updated my blog with new pictures! Well actually they aren't new pictures, they were taken a year and a half ago on February 20, 2010...the funnest and happiest day of my life, but they are new to my blog...I finally got a CD of all of my pics from my photographer and I couldn't decide which pictures to put up so I had to put up a lot of them! I love these pictures, I think that they turned out so well and that they really captured how we were feeling that day-pure bliss! Well I hope you like them! :) P.s. Forrest is hunting so that might explain why I am reminiscing...haha...i miss him...but i know that he is having a blast and needed the vacation with the i am going to have some fun with my girls! (Shalice, Andi, Sheleen, Heather, Caitlin, Dawna...) you get the idea...I have a lot of fun girls to hang out with! Well everything else is going well, hope you are doing well too! bye...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Arizona Biltmore=Heaven on Earth!!!

So my title of this post is pretty self explanatory...We went to the Biltmore this weekend with my dad and Sharon for some R and R and had a blast...It was so nice hanging by the pool drinking my Shirley Temple reading a magazine :) They were great to invite us and we had a great time!
Hope you had a great weekend too!!! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Quick Update!

Hello friends!
I just had a quick update and wanted to share before the busy weekend. As some of you may know I have recently (within the last few months) started to coupon. At first I had no idea what I was doing and I still don't know a lot but I am getting a handle on it and have found some pretty good deals sometimes. I just wanted to share my shopping trip this week because it was really exciting! So first on Wednesday night I went to Fry's and found some deals on shaving cream, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner...I spent total $12.33 and got all of this! And I saved $71.39...So if you need shaving cream I will share, Forrest doesn't shave everyday so he will not go through this for a very long time! :)
Then on Thursday I went back to Fry's and got the things that weren't in stock on Wednesday...Here was my receipt- 100% savings!!! I got five GUM toothbruses for kids that I will be giving to my niece and nephews and I got six things of hair gel for Forrest and Heather if she wants it...Couponing is fun...if you are interested or already coupon and want a friend let me know!! :)
Friday was spent at Heather's volleyball day with Little Richard and Calli and Sheleen!
P.S. We found these cupcakes at a cupcake shop in Chandler and they were soooo yummy!!! Fun field trip between games :) Yes, we are closet cupcake eaters!
Have a happy weekend!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Busy Busy Weekend!!!

Hi friends!

So I just wanted to blog about our weekend that we had-it was so incredibly busy and tiring but so totally fun! Starting on Friday we drove up to Potato Lake for our ward campout. I didn't take any pictures unfortunately but we had a good time getting to know some of our ward members better. We really like the ward that we are in. We left super early Saturday morning to get home and get ready for the temple for Heidi and Randy Coplen's sealing. I am so happy that we made it to the sealing because it was the sweetest most special thing I have ever seen. It truly testified to me that families can be together forever. I loved it! We then went to the ranch for little richard's birthday and had a PARTAY! He was so cute and he loved the party and all of his toys. He is so cute! I need to thank Calli and Meagan for letting me use their kids in like all of my posts because I don't have kids but I take pictures of them and blog about them like they are my kids! :) It's just so easy because they are so cute!

       Love these kids!!! Then on Sunday we talked in our ward and I was so nervous but it turned out pretty good I think. It was a good weekend!