So Forrest and I met in high school...(junior year to be exact) in seminary. I had been friends with his sister Calli since sophomore year but never knew they were related...they never talked about each other...well anyway the first day back to school junior year, I head to seminary and there is a guy sitting on the fence waiting to walk over to seminary. I thought he was kinda cute but didn't say anything for a few days and finally I said hi to him...He said his name was Forrest and he was a junior also and he played football and wrestled and he was just a funny guy...So after that we walked to seminary together every day and became friends....Well a few months into the school year, Calli and I were eating lunch one day and she says something about her brother Forrest and how she was going to his football game that night. I stopped her right there and asked her about him. She had never mentioned a brother, and especially never mentioned that his name was Forrest and that he played football and was a junior. So naturally I ask what hour seminary he has and she has no idea, so I tell her about a guy in my class and I describe him to her and she says that it could be him but she wasn't I went to class that day and asked Forrest if he had a sister named Calli and what do ya know...he did! So after being friends with both of them I find out that they were related! It was funny...So then probably a few weeks after that, me and my friend Alana wanted to go to the movies with some people in our seminary class and so we all planned it and Forrest wanted to go we decided on a movie and it ended up being just Alana, Forrest and I, and I had invited Calli but she had a volleyball tournament that we went and had a great time...well that Monday Calli came up to me and says, " So I heard you went on a date with my brother this weekend." And naturally I freaked and said, "it wasn't a date, we planned for a whole bunch of people to go but nobody could." And at the time I had a little crush on him but nothing major...he was just my friend and that was that...Well what Calli said next is something that I will never let her live down for the rest of our lives....She says, "oh ok, well you can't date my brother because that would just be weird!" And my response to her was, "oh ya...I would never date him, he is just my friend." HAHAHA Ya right... I still give her a hard time about it...So anyway a year goes on and we are still friends and Calli and I become closer friends and her and her husband now but he was her boyfriend then, Richard and Forrest would invite me on a lot of activities with them and it was always really fun to spend time with all of them but it was really helping out me and Forrest to get to know each other better. Well around November-ish of our senior year, Forrest texted me one day out of the blue and said hi and this led to us texting like all the time for about a month...until he realized that texting wasn't on his plan and his dad got the LARGE phone bill from that month...but during that time we would talk about all kinds of things and he would call me on his way home from wrestling practice and we would just talk all the time...and I really started liking him big time...So now fast forward to end of January-ish and Sadies was coming up in February. I was in student council and so I was required to go to all of the dances and Sadies was no exception...I really wanted to ask Forrest but after Calli's warning I was afraid...but I came up with a plan and told Calli that she should ask her boyfriend Richard because he was leaving on his mission soon and I would ask Forrest so that we all could go together...she said that was a great idea and so we went and it was a BLAST! We went to the dance dressed as the flintstones and we looked awesome! :) So then a month later, we went to the girls bball game at arena and everything changed! So Richard was driving and then it was Calli in the passengers seat and me and Forrest and my cousin/friend Dawna in the backseat and on the way to the game, Forrest grabbed my hand!!! I could not believe it...I freaked out and didn't want anyone to see it but they did and the worst part was that nobody said anything about it! Calli just looked at me and smiled and would talk to Dawna but nobody said anything to me...haha so then on our way home from the game, Forrest kissed me in the back of the excursion and I almost from that night on, we were dating.....his best friend Richard left in April on his mission to Minnesota and then Forrest got his call in June to...yep...Minnesota! They were called to the same mission, they never served together but they got to see each other a lot at different conferences and that was really cool getting pics and letters from both of them and seeing that they were loving their missions...Calli and I wrote them every week and sent them packages and pictures and all kinds of things for two years straight! Calli and I became really close over those years and we really helped each other through a lot...I am so glad that we had that time to bond and become even closer bff's because now we are going to be sisters!!!! :) So anyway, Forrest came home in August 2009 and I was so excited but freaking out at the same time...He came home on a Monday and he promised that he would come over to my house and see me before the party that was being thrown for him that night...Calli called me like 20 times to tell me how things were going after he got home and then he called me! He promised that he would be coming over that night and so ALL DAY I sat and freaked out about when he was coming over...He finally showed up and as soon as I opened the door, he said hi and I said hi and then he gave me a hug and then kissed me...we hadn't seen each other in two years and he kisses me in the first two minutes of seeing me...I mean I didn't mind, but I was a little shocked! haha it was ya...we have dated since he got home in August and then we got engaged on New Years Eve! It has been awesome having him home and getting to know each other better and dating and doing all kinds of fun things...I can't wait to marry him and spend forever with him! So that is our story and it was really fun writing it all out and remembering everything again...hope you enjoyed it! :)
Owl Printable Valentine’s Day Cards
1 year ago